Amazon Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a minimum order quantity (MOQ)?

  • MOQ is 1 case pack of any item.
  • Orders under $250.00 are charged a $3.50 order fee and $0.50 per carton ordered.
  • If your order was $90.00 and 3 cartons, the fee would be $3.50 + $1.50 = $5.00 total.
  • We do not want to prevent anyone from buying but need to cover the overhead.

Do you ship directly to Amazon FBA?

  • Yes - you MUST be ungated for said items. (if not, you will have to ship to your location) we cannot provide images.
  • We are also unable to generate invoices prior to shipping your merchandise.

Do your invoices help with ungatting for Amazon?

  • Yes - Adhere to Amazon guidelines of ordering at least 10 pcs of EACH item.

What is the ship from address?

2M Distributors
50 Emjay Blvd
Brentwood, NY 11717

Are all inventory items new?

  • Yes - Everything is new and direct from the manufacturer.
  • We are an authorized seller for ALL our products.

What is the handling fee at checkout?

  • This is a “re-boxing” authorization done at the time of “checkout” ultimately to save you money on shipping.
  • We are unable to determine how many total cartons your order will consolidate into. (we “repack” your cartons into big boxes that fit many cartons, this is proven to be cheaper).
  • We overestimate these “re-packed” cartons used so orders do not require an additional authorization on a customer’s credit card.
  • Each re-box carton fee is only $4.50 - we do not open the item carton; we place them into the bigger carton(s).
  • You will see this fee adjusted on your final invoice sent via email once your order is confirmed shipped.
  • Please also note even with these fees we have seen 30-60% reductions in shipping costs when comparing consolidating your cartons vs not consolidating your cartons.

Amazon Ground Shipments

  • We must have the shipping plan and the breakdown of how the order is going to be shipped out.
  • You can provide us the breakdown in the ‘Shipping Instruction’ section on the website at the time of checkout OR immediately email your sales rep

Amazon LTL Shipments

  • We require carton labels to be sent PRIOR to us releasing your order to our warehouse. (6 per page)
  • You will be able to create carton labels and place your shipping plan on pause until we are able to get back to you regarding the dimensions and weight of your order.
  • You Reply all to the system generated email from 2M/Shepher with your shipping dims and pallet info

Line merchandise – merchandise that can be re-ordered and Amazon will/can go in and out of stock on.


Close Outs – opportunity buys that are discontinued. There is a high likelihood these items will be unavailable to re-order when we have no more stock left.

We offer special, ecommerce specific, deals that are sent out to customers specifically upon request. To become enrolled in the deals email list please inquire directly with your sales representative for details.

For any questions or information please email: or call: 718-649-2525